Bob Kilmer knocked Kerry Fatula from his lofty perch as the Year of the Rabbit sees three new "Ladder Leaders" in the first month of the Lunar New Year. In the only other ladder game Jerry Weldin defeated Rudy McKinney; no rated games were played last night. Ernie will update the ladder later this week after I send him the current standings.
Michael Leitao popped in from Glasgow to play a few games and say hello. Good to see you again Michael!
Nick Folino, Ernie Weaver, James Whiddon, and Johnny Owens were also present with many games and post mortums conducted. A great turn out.
In other news; I'd like to thank Bob Kilmer and Rudy McKinney for their assistance at this weeks "Kids Chess". A Cub Scout Pack attended in search of the coveted "Chess Belt Loop". Bob worked with the parents while Rudy instructed the kids. Both did an excellent job as their students had never played before!