The proposed Club Constitution has been approved by a vote of 12 for, with none opposed; a copy will be e-mailed to all members.
The Club bank account has been opened with the $100 donation from Doug Goodman and J.J.Duvall; received at the Bluegrass State Games.
The next order of business is to fill the offices of Vice-president and Secretary; volunteers are preferred. Remember we will have elections in November so you would only need to serve until then.
We also need librarians; Ernie has completed the inventory and the library will be open for business at the 3 August meeting.
Lastly, the issue of dues. I propose that the Club initiate the collection of dues at the rate of $12.00 per year with a "Life Time" membership set at $100. Aforementioned dues would intital the member to "free entry" in all "Second Tuesday" USCF rated tournaments. Life Members would be "paid up" for all "Second Tuesday" tournaments and receive an additional $5.00 off the entry fee in our annual Spring tournaments. As Dave Brock requested this membership option; if approved, his card will be numbered 0001.
It was good to see Dave back at a meeting; he committed to attending even after his move to Cave City.
Kerry and Nick have returned from vacation and were hungry for chess; Dave and I tried our best to oblique them with Bob K. jumping in after Nick left. There was lengthy analysis of two games which seemed to bring as much enjoyment to the players as the actual games.