Have you ever drooled over the DGT electronic chessboard ads, only to discover that the price is a bit over you head? There may be an alternative offering some of the same benefits for a somewhat more palatable $300: the Novag Citrine. This is a wood electronic chess computer that also allows you to connect to your PC and transfer game scores recorded on the device or play aganst PC-based chess engines. This device has not been approved for tournament use for the recording of chess game scores by the USCF.
Look below the fold for a video review of the product:
2013 Championship
Sunday, March 28, 2010
No More Pen and Paper
Bob Lenning
Want to record your chess games electronically? Want to spend less than it costs to fly to the Caribbean? Your solution might be eNotate from the North American Chess Association. You can buy the software for $25, or the software with a PDA for $125. The software is approved by the USCF for use in rated tournaments. Read this blog post from a chess player who is using the $125 eNotate package now. Using eNotate with a Pocket PC lets you use Pocket Fritz from Chessbase when the eNotate software isn't running! If you buy the software only and then shop for your own Pocket PC you can buy a model with WIFI (not accessible when eNotate is running) and other extra features. You might try eBay to look for a deal.
Please note that I have not personally tested the products mentioned in this post. The information is based on manufacturer claims and offered here for the consideration of members of the Elizabethtown Chess Club. The only other devices known to be approved for tournament use by the USCF are the MonRoi used by several club players and DGT electronic chess boards.
Please note that I have not personally tested the products mentioned in this post. The information is based on manufacturer claims and offered here for the consideration of members of the Elizabethtown Chess Club. The only other devices known to be approved for tournament use by the USCF are the MonRoi used by several club players and DGT electronic chess boards.
Product evaluation
Complete Game Score Owens vs Weldin

Sorry for the poor quality, I found that printing out the post gave a readable image.
Still working on my computer skills!
Smyslov Dead At 89
Vasily Smyslov passed away yesterday, March 27th, three days after his 89th birthday.
Smyslov was the 7th World Champion (1957-1958) and is sometimes overlooked as that was the period when Botvinnik vertually controlled world chess.
Smyslov played three matches with Botvinnik for the World Championship drawing the first, winning the second and losing the third. While this is impressive in it's self; in my opinion the greater accomplishment was that during these three matches Smyslov out scored Botvinnik 18 - 17 with 34 games drawn.
Smyslov was the 7th World Champion (1957-1958) and is sometimes overlooked as that was the period when Botvinnik vertually controlled world chess.
Smyslov played three matches with Botvinnik for the World Championship drawing the first, winning the second and losing the third. While this is impressive in it's self; in my opinion the greater accomplishment was that during these three matches Smyslov out scored Botvinnik 18 - 17 with 34 games drawn.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A Fighting Draw!!

Owens vs Weldin with Black to move.(El Tapatio 3, 3/26/10)
There followed:23.....Bxe4!, 24.Nxd4! Rxg2! 25.Nf3! Bxf3 26.Qxd3 Rxg3+ 27.Kh2 Rg2+
28. Kh1 Drawn
Friday, March 26, 2010
Chess Among the Daffodils
Bob Lenning
With sunny days leading to warm afternoons, the lure of nature and the great outdoors is just too much for many chess players. I'm a great nature lover myself and just can't resist the chance to see the fleeting wonder of wildflowers racing to beat the trees to the sunshine. But warm weather isn't incompatible with chess!
Read more after the fold:
Read more after the fold:
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tactics, Tactics, Tactics
Bob Lenning
OK. I know that you've heard it before: 'tactics, tactics, tactics'. But does it really work? The theory goes this way: most club level games end after one player gains a decisive material advantage. And you've heard the old saying that a chess game is won by the player who made the next to the last mistake. So it seems that it's a mistake that decides a chess game, not a clever tactic. But wait! The mistake that's usually made is walking into a simple tactical shot! And so the saying from Dan Heisman: "basic tactic skills should be used to prevent an opponent’s tactics, not to find winning tactics for oneself!”
So, where do you go to get your tactical skills up to date?
Find out below the fold:
So, where do you go to get your tactical skills up to date?
Find out below the fold:
chess on the web,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Three Point Shots
Bob Lenning
Steve Parsons collected all 3 points to win the open section in last night's 2nd Tuesday Tournament and inched closer to Expert with a 1984 rating. He extended his total in the 2010 championship to 8 points. Ernie Weaver cleared 2 points in the tourney sharing the honors with Nick Folino and James Whiddon. Ernie made it 4.5 points in the championship for a clear 4th. Nick and James both earned their first 2 championship points. Joe Farrell and Johnny Owens both came in with even scores of 1.5. Joe's championship total improves to 6.0, maintaining 2nd position. Johnny's total rises to 5.0 claiming the 3rd position. Jerry Weldin earned a win while Kerry Fatula and Andrew Lee took 1 point byes giving Jerry and Andrew 3 points in the championship standings with Kerry claiming 2.5 points.
Bob Lenning scored 3 points in the under 1400 section to lead the group. Dave Brock held his own with 2 points while Stephanie Clayton bested Sal Mancuso to earn 1 point.
You can find the complete tournament crosstable here.
Bob Lenning scored 3 points in the under 1400 section to lead the group. Dave Brock held his own with 2 points while Stephanie Clayton bested Sal Mancuso to earn 1 point.
You can find the complete tournament crosstable here.
Club Tournaments,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Stick a Fork in It
Bob Lenning

Our new logo features an interesting study problem which illustrates well the tactical theme of the knight fork. It is White to move. Can you solve it?
Find the solution with annotation after the fold.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Test Your Board Knowledge
"Learning the board" is the first step toward improvement recommended by many chess teachers. As luck would have it I have been "relearning" the board after over three decades of not playing "blindfold chess" on a regular basis. Tonight I stumbled onto a web site that makes it easy, and best of all it's free! Just go to Chess Eye; chose the online version and get ready to be tested.
Friday, March 5, 2010
New and Improved
Bob Lenning
Now our club website is even easier to use! Check out the ribbon menu above which will take you to the membership list, our new calendar, the library, chess puzzles to try, links to favorite sites, the 2010 club championship standings, and general club information. You can still use the links in the righthand column on the page to find our club, check upcoming events, see the info on our next big tourney, and check the latest chess news.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Movin' On Up
Bob Lenning
We've exchanged links with Chess Cafe! Look down the righthand side of our blog and you'll see a brand new banner link to ChessCafe.com. It's a shortcut to lots of great chess info along with our separate links to their newsfeed. It's also a great place to shop for a new chess set or the latest chess DVD. They've listed our club here (you'll find it listed under blogs). Thanks to Chess Cafe for kindly exchanging links with us.
chess on the web,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Place Was Jumpin'
Bob Lenning
The club was jumping with 11 players at the boards last night. Those attending were Dave Brock, Jerry Weldin, Johnny Owens, Steve Parsons, Sal Mancuso, Rudy McKinney, Bob Lenning, Andrew Lee, Kerry Fatula, Nick Folino, and Ernie Weaver. Don't forget that next week is the 2nd Tuesday tournament for March. Let Johnny know in advance if you plan to play, or be there early to allow time to register.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
With Mate in 2 You Get Egg Salad
Bob Lenning
It's official! The club's annual spring tournament will be held on April 17, 2010 in room 303 of the Occupational-Technical Building at Elizabethtown Community College. The Egg Salad Open will be a 4 round swiss system with G/45 time controls. Prizes b/20 1st $100, 2nd $50, Class A, B, C, D, E & below/unrated $40. Registration will be from 8:15-8:45am and round 1 will start at 9:00am. Entry fees will be $20 in advance or $25 on site. Send your entry to Johnny Owens, P.O. Box 226, Elizabethtown, KY 42702, or phone (270) 272-3061, or email to chessnut@insightbb.com.
Club Tournaments,
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