2013 Championship

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bardstown Blitz

Thursday night chess in Bardstown is back on the calendar. Last night's meeting at Kreso's Family Restaurant had 6 players in attendance. One was a cameo appearance by Gelvic who came by on his break to play a blitz with Clany before returning to work. Also in attendance were Jacob Lemieux, soon to be freshman at U of K, Amy, Andrew P., and a long time chess aficionado, Mark Abram. The wine, food, and company was great!! Burgers are about $8-$9 w/ fries. The large pizza was $10 (only size available). If you want a full meal, the price goes up a few bucks. Weiner Schnitzel is a favorite there.
No surprises in the games. I got trounced by Amy and Mark. We aren't keeping score or record of wins; just having fun. The Kresos gave us our own room and the service was really great too. Dzevad Kreso wants to join us but he was not working that evening.
We will be on the calendar for Thursday nights beginning at 6:30. Kreso's opens at 5:00 so if you want to meet earlier than 6:30, communicate w/ others and make that happen. The place will be available to 1 or more chess players on Thurs. nights so show up and see who else shows up. If you are driving a long distance, call around the group before driving or call Kreso's (348-9594) by 6:30 and see if any chess players are there before coming. I'm sure a few phone calls would be welcomed but I don't think the restaurant folks have time to be our contact headquarters so make every effort to call, email, text chess players if you need to do so before coming. If we have 2 players each week, it will be worth it. Come and join us next Thursday!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gelvic On A Roll

Gelvic continued his winning streak mugging Jerry in a rated Ladder game last night. Pictured above is Gelvic's new clock. For those who don't know; Gelvic was holding off buying a clock until he broke the 1800 barrier. Be aware that his new clock works off "body conductance", you must actually touch the button, using a captured piece will not work.

The only other rated game played was Kerry's win over Stephanie.

We had two visitors last night. Josh (I didn't get a last name) came as a result of seeing James at the Flea Market. And someone who bore a striking resemblance to Nick Folino got a phone call just like Nick used to and had to rush off...wait that was Nick!

Johnny and Amy rounded out the field. Johnny drew a game with Nick and Amy played Stephanie but they didn't record a result.

Rudy and Sal were supposed to be there but didn't make it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Gelvic Comes In First At Bluegrass Games!!

Gelvic is on the right in the above photo.

Gelvic Cubar goes undefeated at the 2011 Bluegrass Games defeating two Class A players (1868 & 1931) in route to picking up 76 rating points and reaching Class A himself! I can't wait to see his new clock. Way to go Gelvic! It's no wonder that Steve Dillard tried to claim you for Louisville.

As previously reported Amy also won all her games and has broken the 1500 barrier.

Gelvic, Amy, and Clany should all get new floors (it takes about 2 weeks to get posted).

Click here to view the X-table.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Allen Priest Makes Kentucky Chess History

For the record I received an e-mail from Steve Dillard today giving me the "heads up" that Allen Priest has been elected to the USCF Policy Board. Allen is the first Kentuckian ever elected to National Office in Chess.

Allen started off as a volunteer when his son began playing chess and has served in many capacities to include Scholastic Coordinator not to mention TDing several KY Open's, most recently in 2010.

At the "Annual Meeting" this year Allen urged everyone to become tournament directors and volunteer to serve in the Kentucky Chess Community.

Congratulations Allen! I'm sure USCF will make good use of your personal and professional talents (Allen is a CPA).

See vote totals and USCF write up by clicking here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rudy Beats Jerry to Move Back To The Top Of The Ladder!!

Rudy McKinney is back on top of the ladder! He won it back from the man who took it away from him. Jerry sac'ed a rook, but wasn't able to win. The game was rated.

Amy beat Gelvic in a unrated ladder game to move up, but lost to Johnny in a rated ladder game and is now 4th on the ladder.

Other rated games were: Clayton 1 - Mancuso 0 and Owens 1 - Brock 0.

There were several other games played at the club!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Amy Is New Kentucky Women's Champion!!

Amy Nunn (3rd from left) did herself and E-town Chess Club proud today; winning the Kentucky Women's Chess Championship! Congratulations Amy!
The others in the photo with the new Kentucky Chess Queen didn't do too shabby either. Gelvic (far left) took home Gold in his section, Clany won two Bronze medals, Stephanie grabbed Silver in the Women's, and Amy won Silver in her section in addition to her Gold in the Women's.
Great job everyone! And a big thanks to Stephanie for the report and the picture!
I can't wait to hear the details Tuesday.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Expanded Comment

I decided to do an "expanded comment" in response to Joe's comment concerning the July Rating Tournament.I will use my usual "shotgun" approach and address all the topics brought up in the 4 original comments and some which weren't!

The electricity was restored about 20 minutes after I got home.There goes one of my "throw away scores".

The lights were off at Johnny's house too. I think Debbie just went to Wal-Mart to ride it out; my wife's car was "trapped" in the garage. Still it must have caused Johnny some anxiety as he continued to play and carry out his TD duties. Thanks Johnny!

Congratulations to Joe for his second "Trifecta" of the year! Joe also went 3-0 in January before the "Championship Series" began.

Amy!! You have played great chess the last two weeks; you are peaking at just the right time to win the KY Women's Championship this weekend! I talked with Dave Brock today and he asked how you were doing as he was still smarting from his loss to you in the April Fool's Tournament! Good luck in Winchester Saturday.

Joe, you mentioned creating an imbalance in your game with Gelvic. I have learned this past year that that is the way to win games! I may have known it for a while but have only "formulated" it into my chess vocabulary this past year.

Joe, you have taught me not to offer a draw to higher rated opponents. You have to believe in your ability to win in a better position even if you are playing Bobby Fischer!

I must concentrate on playing better without getting into time trouble, while I can usually do well... old age and rough living are beginning to take their toll. Getting into time trouble and not keeping score throws away the ability to claim a draw by repetition among other things. Alas that is now "part of the game" and I make no excuses. That said... I intend to "draft" behind you as you become an "Expert" and join you in that Rating Class by the end of 2012!

Here is the game I lost to Joe Tuesday night. Comments are mine, caution you are entering a "Fritz Free Zone"!

Chess game
G Weldin (1838) vs. J Ferrell (1948), game 30/5
(black to move)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Joe Farrell Swepts The Field, 3-0 At The Monthly Swiss!

Joe Farrell won all 3 games from the July Monthly Swiss to pick-up 23 rating points! Amy Nunn made the biggest rating jump, picking up 83 points.

We had 9 club members to turn out for the July Monthly Swiss but, Jerry Weldin withdrew after the 1st round, due to a family emergency.

The USCF has rated the event and it can be located here!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Events Are Approaching Fast - Bluegrass Games

I moved this post to the top as a reminder of the Bluegrass Games this Saturday the 16th. Click on the link for more info. -- Jerry
With the recent national events in St Louis and the Candidates Matches absorbing so much attention; some of you may need reminding that there are events pending right here in good ole Kentucky. The Kentucky Open (June 11th & 12th)is almost on top of us; tell your spouses now! The Bluegrass State Games are in July and the WKU Chess Club will be having a "Chess Camp". I have inserted links to help you go right to the necessary information of these events. I am still waiting for Johnny to post information on his "Senior Open" and I'm sure we will be planing the 3rd Annual Veteran's Day Tournament soon. Chess, chess, and more chess - life doesn't get any better than this!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gelvic And Sal Played 7 Rated Games Each!!

The above photo shows Stephanie and Gelvic doing battle at the club!

Gelvic and Sal each played 7 rated games at the club since our last monthly club tourney!

Ten club members took advantage of the opportunity to get some additiional rated games in between tournaments. 17 games were rated!!

The event has been rated by USCF and the updated ratings can be found here!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Amy Beats Rudy To Move Up On The Ladder!

Amy beat Rudy in an unrated ladder game tonight to take his spot on the ladder! There were also 7 rated games and several blitz games and casual games played at the club tonight. The following rated/ladder games were played:

Gelvic 1 - Sal 0
Gelvic 1 - Sal 0
Kerry 1 - Stephanie 0
Ernie 1/2 - Johnny 1/2
Johnny 1 - Rudy 0
Gelvic 1 - Sal 0
Stephanie 1 - Sal

Since we had 17 rated games since our last monthly swiss, I'll get these
games submitted for rating tomorrow or the next day!