2013 Championship

Saturday, June 12, 2010

White Rabbit

Darren dropped by El Tapatio's this morning and revealed that Ron Burnett was not the only KY Open entrant to forget which time zone he was in. Apparently Darren made the same error last Sunday and did not purposely withdraw; rather he returned home when he realized he was running an hour behind. I can see how that can happen when you work in one time zone and live in another; I guess that's why Dave Brock refers to Eastern Standard Time as "fast time".

Also playing to Mariachi Music this morning was James Whiddon, Steff Clayton, Jerry Weldin, and Angel Reyes. Angel came anxious to play and had at least one game with everyone present except me. Get your games in with Angel while you can; he will be going to the field soon for training.

If we can get a minimum of 4 players to commit to play rated games we can play in our regular Tuesday Night meeting room at ECTC.


Anonymous said...

Will you post the results of the survey?

Jerry said...

Yes. I have only received 9 replies so far.