Club dues were voted in at last nights meeting. Dues were established at a rate of $12 per year with Life Memberships available for $100. Sal lobbied for a reduced Life Membership rate; but his pleas fell on deaf ears.
A paid up membership entitles the "Active Member" free entry to the "Second Tuesday" tournaments and a $5 discount off the entry fee for our annual "Spring Tornado".
Dues will be used primarily to pay rating fees, USCF Affiliation fees, and tournament announcements in Chess Life. All other expenditures must be approved by a majority vote of the "Active Members".
Dues will be collected at the 10 August meeting and pro-rated for the rest of 2010; so bring $5 to the 10 August meeting. Those who have paid their "Second Tuesday" rating fees thru the end of 2010 earlier are paid up and are "Active Members" in good standing.
In other news; Andrew Lee has returned from his visit to North Carolina and has pictures of the enormous fish he caught while fishing off the coast. Andrew must have grown 6-8 inches over the summer and is sporting a new hairdo.
Johnny Owens volunteered to fill in as Club Vice President until the elections in November. I have accepted his offer and in the absence of a volunteer I will take on the secretarial duties myself; until then. Welcome aboard Johnny!
Next up - A Club Ladder!! We'll take a vote next week between rounds.
Last but not least; we have 6 players registered so far for the "Back to School" Tournament on the 14th; entry is only $10, see Johnny or check out a previous post for the details.