August closed out with a bang! Twelve members swarmed the boards to play Ladder games; with the following results. (R) indicates that the game was rated.
Farrell shocked Mancuso (R)
Folino creamed Fatula (R)
Mancuso mugged Clayton (R)
Weldin blanked Brock (R)
McKinney drew Craycroft (R)
Lee tricked Clayton
Cubar speared Kilmer
What's that you say? Craycroft.... yep John has returned!! Picture shows a dapper John battling "Doc" Mark Abramovich at the 2008 NCCC Championship; young Will Hahn appears in the background.
Dave Brock not only drove home from E-town to Munfordville after work; but drove back for the meeting after washing up and eating... and brought a check for $100 to become our 3rd "Life Member"!! That speaks volumes about our club and the people we call friends and members!
Andrew Lee returned from the Glenn Beck rally; and brought gifts! Sal, Kerry, and Jerry were the lucky recipients.
Stephanie Clayton is planning on resurrecting the Nelson County Chess Club (John Craycroft wore his "Blue Dragon" T last night) and is spearheading the organization of a Nelson County "Scholastic Chess League". Steff, we will help in anyway we can; wives and schedules permitting!
John Coffey has decided to start "blogging" check out his
chess blog while you're surfing the net. John is a very strong player who puts a lot into chess.
We have added the Ladder to the headings at the top of the page. You will find the current Ladder standings and a copy of the ladder rules. Please allow a day or two after each meeting for the ladder to be updated; it will depend on Ernie's work/personal commitments. Thanks Ernie!!
Hopefully the "blue plate special" will wet your appetite for more chess; please dine with us again.