2013 Championship

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fun Links

Sometimes you don't feel like playing a full game or are restricted by time and circumstances, add these links to your favorite electronic device and learn some tricks that will enhance your "chess eye" and impress your friends.

Both links below are interactive! Test your skills with immediate feed back of your progress.
Checkmate with a Knight and Bishop. Allow a minute for the link to display the pieces.

The Knight's Tour. GM Koltanowski used to do this blindfolded and jumping from one board to a second and finally to a third board! Not impressed yet? He identified the squares by the words, phone numbers, etc that the audience wrote on them; which he studied for a few minutes, turned his back to the boards and began!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

10 Club Members Show-Up To Play Chess!

We had 10 members at our first club meeting at The Family Buffet in Elizabethtown and 8 played in round 1 of our Game/75 tourney! There we no upsets as the higher rated players won in all 4 games.

The tournament is open to all club members that are USCF rated and you can enter at anytime and don't have to play every round. Games will start at 7:15 pm in order to give players a chance to eat!

If you have any questions, contact me at: chessnut@insightbb.com . We'll see you for round 2 next Tuesday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Game 75 ??

Has game 30/5 been blowing up on you? Defuse the grenade and play for a norm with game 75/5!!
Contact Johnny if you want to play game 75/5 on regular meeting nights. His offer to resume game 75 was buried in a comment and may have escaped notice except for Amy and myself.

Format: 1 game a night for 3-5 weeks as needed then submitted for rating. You don't have to play each week; so the format offers you a chance to play even if your schedule doesn't permit attending each week.
At least 4 players need to commit  in order to get things rolling. Johnny's contact information is: (270)-272-3061 or chessnut@insightbb.com .

Remember we will be meeting at the Family Buffett on the 20th.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Steve Parsons Is Back!

Life Club member Steve Parsons won the March Monthly Swiss with a score of 3-0!

Rayane Chatrieux finished 2nd with a score of 2-1!

The crosstable can be view here!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Club Members Vote to Meet at Family Buffet Restaurant

The monthly club meeting was held Tuesday, March 6, 2012.   Members in attendance were:  Jerry, Amy, Stephanie, Rudy, Bob, Rayane and Kerry.  The following items were discussed:  Jerry has agreed to direct this month's regular club tournament.   A motion was made, seconded and approved to change the time of the regular monthly business meeting to 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, just before the beginning of the monthly tournament.  The members agreed to ask Joe to appoint a new vice president of the club, pursuant to the club constitution.

 A motion was made, seconded and approved to have the club meet at the Family Buffet Chinese restaurant (located in the Kroger shopping plaza near the mall) on all Tuesday nights except for the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  It was agreed to continue to have the monthly tournaments at the college.  So remember guys and gals that this coming Tuesday is the monthly club tournament at the college and then we will meet for skittles at 7:00 p.m. at the Family Buffet for the next 3 Tuesdays until the April 10th tournament at the college.