2013 Championship

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

elections next month

I guess we will be having elections next month to juggle officers. Since there is not a provision in the constitution for appointments, article II section 1 seems to indicate that we have to notify members by email one month before the elections.
The nominations made tonight were as follows....I think:
Joe Farrell moves up to President Amy Nunn to VP Jerry Weldin-- Secretary Treasurer stays the same (Clayton). Since Joe and Amy are already officers, does that mean that only Sec. position is voted on? I"m not sure...Sal was asking what the constitution said and so I'm adding this copy below. Sal was asking what the Vice President's job was. Attached is the
Constitution of the Elizabethtown Chess Club.


We, the chess players of Central Kentucky, in order to establish conditions under which chess can flourish in our area have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish this common goal and do hereby ordain this constitution to establish rules and order in the pursuit of this goal collectively as the Elizabethtown Chess Club.


SECTION 1 – PRESIDENT. The President shall chair all Club meetings; guide the club in the pursuit of nurturing chess in the area; appoint committees as needed; and appoint individuals to necessary posts within the Club, subject to ratification by a majority vote of the membership.

SECTION 2 – VICE-PRESIDENT. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of President in his absence and Chair Committees as directed by the President.

SECTION 3 – SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all Club business meetings and read the minutes of the previous meeting if called to do so. The Secretary may also act as Treasurer.

SECTION 4 - TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues and monies owed to the Club, securing said monies, and disperse monies as directed by the President. Shall maintain accurate fiscal records and render a report to the general membership annually and as directed by the President. Tournament Directors may collect monies as necessary in the conducting of a tournament; but must turn over any excess monies after expenses; with a complete accounting of all monies taken in as fees and dispersed as prizes/necessary expenses; to include a list of prize winners; to the Treasurer no later than the next scheduled meeting.


SECTION 1 – ELECTIONS. Elections will be held as necessary to fill vacant officer positions and at least annually in the month of November to elect Club officers from the current active membership. Elections will be announced by e-mail and notice posted at meetings one month prior to date of elections. Elected officers will serve for a term of one year or until the next general elections. Officers may serve successive terms without limitation if voted in by the membership. Elections will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast and received.

SECTION 2 – CURRENT ACTIVE MEMBERS. A current active member shall be defined as a member who is current in his/her dues to the Club and is a current member of USCF. In the event dues are not being charged; a current active member shall be defined as a current USCF member who has participated in one Club sponsored tournament in the previous twelve month period. Exceptions will be made for absences due to military duty.

SECTION 3 – RULES OF CONDUCT. Roberts Rule of Order shall be used at all meetings.

SECTION 4 – CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the Current Active Members at any annual meeting; or after a vote brought about by a properly submitted and seconded motion to do so.


Jerry said...

Article I, Section I gives the President authority to appoint individuals to "necessary posts" subject to ratification by a majority vote of the membership. I believe that this gives Joe the right to appoint individuals to fill vacancies until the next "general election", give notice and hold a vote to ratify his selection.

In any case I have withdrawn my name from consideration for office.

Johnny said...

As far as I know, Gelvic hasn't resigned or left the country yet! So he's still our club president until March.