Our club president, Joe Farrell went undefeated in our annual club tourney to take 1st place in this strong weekend swiss! This tournament was held along with the KCA "King of Kings" tournament and Expert Chris Bush decided to play in both simultaneously. 20 players played all 4 rounds! No withdrawals!! The USCF rated crosstable can be
seen here!
Congratulations also to . . .
James Whiddon for two big scalps including an opening round draw against an expert.
Rayanne Chatrieux for Best in Class
Bob Kilmer picking up 40 rating points
Our membership represented our club very well at this tourney!
I'd like to think the less obvious hero's who's combined efforts made Saturday a successful event.
Johnny Owens for sacrificing being able to play inorder to TD the event.
Ernie Weaver for scheduling the classrooms.
James Biggs for arriving early and helping situp the room.
Stephanie Clayton for awarding Wendy's gift certificates.
And last but not least, Larry Davidson for bringing books that he sold at a loss and taking James Donohue his Unrated winners trophy from the second annual April Tornado.
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